John Locke's political philosophy continues to shape modern political thought and practice, as demonstrated by these 10 works that explore various aspects of his ideas. Key themes include the nature of political authority, consent and agreement in forming political communities, individual liberty, and the tension between majoritarian democracy and minority rights and interests.Notable works include:1. "The Second Treatise of Government" (1689) - This foundational text explores the limits of government power and the nature of political authority.2. "Of the Original Contract" (1748) - Hume critiques Locke's ideas on the social contract, highlighting the tension between majoritarian democracy and minority rights.3. "John Locke" (1973) - This comprehensive overview of Locke's life and political philosophy covers his views on consent, representation, and the nature of political authority.4. "The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism" (1962) - MacPherson critiques Lockean individualism, arguing that these concepts have been used to justify oppressive forms of political power.5. "The Liberal Politics of John Locke" (1968) - This book provides a detailed analysis of Locke's political philosophy, including his views on consent, representation, and the role of government in promoting the common good.6. "Taming the Prince: The Ambivalence of Modern Executive Power" (1989) - Mansfield explores the tension between majoritarian democracy and minority rights and interests, highlighting the challenges of balancing these competing claims in modern political systems.7. "The Dignity of Legislation" (1999) - Waldron critiques Locke's views on the role of legislation in promoting the common good, arguing that these ideas have been used to justify oppressive forms of political power.8. "Locke against Democracy: Consent, Representation and Suffrage in the Two Treatises" (2002) - Wood provides a detailed analysis of Locke's views on democracy and representation, highlighting the limitations of these concepts in promoting individual liberty and the common good.9. "Locke and the Legislative Point of View" (2002) - This book provides a comprehensive overview of Locke's views on legislation and representation, including his arguments that these institutions are essential for promoting the common good.10. "The Politics of Liberty in England and Revolutionary America" (2004) - Ward explores the relationship between political authority and individual liberty in early modern England and America, highlighting the ongoing relevance of Locke's contributions to the field of political philosophy.