Summary:These are the terms of service for Inflection AI's services. By using the services, you agree to be bound by these terms and our privacy policy. The terms outline the rules and guidelines for using the services, including eligibility requirements, account creation, proprietary rights, intellectual property infringement, third-party links and services, security measures, changes to these terms, term and termination, disclaimer of warranties, limitation of liability, governing law and jurisdiction, entire agreement, severability, amendments, and waiver.Key Points:* Eligibility requirements for using the services* Creating an account to access certain features* Ownership of proprietary rights in the services and content* Responsibility for any intellectual property infringement* Third-party links and services may be included in the services* Security measures to protect user information* Advance notice of changes to these terms will be provided* Inflection AI reserves the right to modify or discontinue the services at any time* Term of these terms will remain in effect until terminated by either party* Limited warranty for the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or timeliness of the services* Exclusive remedy for any loss or damage caused by the use of the services* Governing law and jurisdiction for any disputes arising from these terms.