1. Plato - Greek philosopher known for his theory of forms and critique of democracy.2. Aristotle - Greek philosopher and student of Plato known for his work on logic, metaphysics, ethics, and politics.3. Immanuel Kant - German philosopher known for his critiques of pure and applied reason, as well as his concepts of morality and ethics.4. Friedrich Nietzsche - German philosopher known for his ideas on the death of God, the will to power, and the eternal recurrence.5. Jean-Paul Sartre - French philosopher known for his concept of existentialism and rejection of traditional notions of morality and ethics.6. Martin Heidegger - German philosopher known for his concept of Being and critique of modern technology and culture.7. Hannah Arendt - German-American philosopher known for her work on political philosophy, totalitarianism, and the nature of human existence.8. Michel Foucault - French philosopher known for his work on power relations, knowledge production, and the nature of modern society.9. Jacques Derrida - French philosopher known for his work on deconstruction and critique of Western philosophy's Eurocentrism.10. Edward Said - Palestinian-American philosopher and literary critic known for his work on postcolonial theory, Orientalism, and the nature of cultural identity.11. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak - Indian philosopher and literary critic known for her work on postcolonial theory and the relationship between Western and non-Western cultures.12. Nelson Mandela - South African anti-apartheid revolutionary and politician known for his work on racial equality and social justice.13. Wole Soyinka - Nigerian playwright, poet, and literary critic known for his work on postcolonial theory and the nature of cultural identity in Africa.14. Salman Rushdie - Indian-British novelist and essayist known for his work on postcolonial theory and the relationship between Islam and Western culture.15. Chinua Achebe - Nigerian novelist and literary critic known for his work on postcolonial theory and the nature of cultural identity in Africa.16. Gayraud Wilmaus - South African philosopher and critical race theorist known for his work on postcolonial theory and the relationship between race, power, and knowledge production.17. bell hooks - American feminist and literary critic known for her work on topics such as race, gender, and cultural studies.18. Cornel West - American philosopher and social activist known for his work on topics such as race, politics, and the nature of human existence.19. Judith Butler - American philosopher and gender theorist known for her work on topics such as gender, sexuality, and power relations.20. Slavoj Žižek - Slovenian philosopher and cultural critic known for his work on topics such as ideology, capitalism, and the nature of contemporary culture.