The article discusses transgenic plants and animals, including their creation and potential uses. The process involves introducing genes from one species into another using various methods such as microinjection, retrovirus, or electroporation. This can be done to create disease-resistant animals, improve agricultural productivity, or even produce novel products like spider silk in goat's milk.The article highlights the success of transgenic technology in creating various animals, including fish, mice, rabbits, and monkeys. Some examples include:* Superfish that grow 10-11 times faster than normal* Glofish that glow due to inserted jellyfish genes* Alzheimer's mouse model for studying the disease* Oncomouse for cancer research* Smart mouse that learns faster like juveniles throughout its lifeThe article also discusses potential issues with transgenic technology, including blurring species lines, health risks, and long-term environmental effects. Additionally, it highlights concerns from bioethicists about creating animals that may suffer as a result of genetic alteration.Finally, the conclusion emphasizes the importance of transgenic technology in various fields, including agriculture, medicine, and industry, while also highlighting the need for proper research and careful use to ensure the responsible development of this technology.