The passage discusses the importance of receiving feedback and learning from it in order to grow and improve. The author recounts their experience taking piano lessons with a demanding teacher, Boulanger, who provided intense and deep feedback that helped them identify their limitations and potential. The author notes that receiving such feedback can be uncomfortable but is essential for growth. They also highlight the importance of trusting others to give honest feedback and being receptive to it, even if it means throwing out work that has been done.The passage also touches on the idea that learning from others' limitations can help us identify our own blindspots and potential for growth. The author notes that this applies not only to physical skills but also to relationships and other areas of life. They suggest that having gone through a process of identifying and addressing their own limitations, they are better equipped to help others do the same.Overall, the passage emphasizes the importance of receiving feedback and being receptive to it in order to grow and improve, both in terms of physical skills and relationships with others.