The article "Narrative and the Moving Image: An Introduction" provides an overview of the complex relationship between narrative and the moving image. The author highlights the different types of narratives, such as linear, non-linear, and hybrid forms, and how they can be presented through various media, including literature, film, theater, and video games. The article also discusses the interaction between narrative and the moving image, which is influenced by factors such as authorial intentions, genre conventions, technology, and cultural contexts.The author identifies several key debates in the field, including the dominance of literary models over film studies, the importance of authorial intentions, and the role of technology. Additionally, the article discusses various perspectives on the relationship between narrative and the moving image, such as hermeneutic, structuralist, and poststructuralist perspectives.The article concludes by highlighting some key concepts, methodological approaches, and works that are relevant to understanding the relationship between narrative and the moving image. Some of these key authors include Jean Baudrillard, Laura Mulvey, Douglas Crimp, and Judith Butler. Overall, the article provides a comprehensive introduction to the complex and multifaceted relationship between narrative and the moving image.