Thank you for providing the text for analysis! Here is a breakdown of the structure and content of the message:1. Addresses the user who posted the topic ("Kakao Adado") and expresses willingness to help them with their query.2. Explains that a comment has been added with information on how to fix the issue they are experiencing, including a link to a more detailed guide for troubleshooting and resolving the problem.3. Mentions that the link is automatically embedded in the comment and can be displayed as a link if preferred.4. Provides additional information about the steps involved in troubleshooting and resolving the issue, including the use of certain keywords and phrases to help find relevant solutions.5. Ends the message by thanking "Kakao Adado" for posting their query and expressing hope that they find the information helpful.Overall, the message is well-structured and easy to follow, with each sentence building upon the previous one to provide a complete and helpful response to the user's query.