The study aimed to evaluate the effect of storage time and temperature on the quality characteristics of eggs from two lines of hens. The study was conducted in a poultry farm in Egypt, and the eggs were collected from two different lines of hens. The eggs were stored at room temperature (25°C ± 2°C) for different periods of time (30 days, 60 days, and 90 days). The quality characteristics evaluated included egg weight, shell thickness, egg yolk color, egg white protein, and albumen quality.The results showed that the storage time and temperature significantly affected the quality characteristics of eggs. The eggs stored at room temperature for 30 days had the highest quality characteristics, while the eggs stored for 90 days had the lowest quality characteristics. The eggs from line A had higher quality characteristics than those from line B.The study also found that the storage time and temperature affected the weight and shell thickness of the eggs. The eggs stored at room temperature for 30 days had the highest weight and shell thickness, while the eggs stored for 90 days had the lowest weight and shell thickness.The egg yolk color was also affected by the storage time and temperature, with the eggs stored at room temperature for 30 days having the highest yolk color, while the eggs stored for 90 days had the lowest yolk color. The protein content of the egg white was also affected by the storage time and temperature, with the eggs stored at room temperature for 30 days having the highest protein content, while the eggs stored for 90 days had the lowest protein content.The albumen quality was significantly affected by the storage time and temperature, with the eggs stored at room temperature for 30 days having the highest albumen quality, while the eggs stored for 90 days had the lowest albumen quality. The study concluded that the storage time and temperature significantly affect the quality characteristics of eggs from two lines of hens.