The article provides 11 tips for using social media safely and responsibly:1. Understand the rules and norms of each social network before using it.2. Assume that everything posted online can be seen by others, even if privacy breaches occur.3. Don't share personal information from other users' posts without their permission.4. Log out of social networks when finished using them on shared devices.5. Recognize that online content lives permanently and may be publicly accessible.6. Conduct yourself on social networks as you would in a public space.7. Reserve the right to decline friend requests from strangers.8. Prioritize privacy and personal comfort when interacting with others online.9. Consider how your actions and statements may impact others before posting or tagging them.10. Use privacy settings to limit who can view your posts and shares.11. Be mindful of why you're trying to contact someone you don't know when asking to be their friend.