Sure, here are the questions and activities for the Internship Activity on Ethics and Privacy in Banking: Questions: 1. What are some of the ways that banks collect information about their customers? 2. Why do banks need to collect information about their customers? 3. How does a bank's ethical framework influence its data collection practices? 4. Can you think of any situations where it would be unethical or illegal for a bank to collect or use customer data? 5. What are some of the privacy concerns that banks need to consider when dealing with customer data? Activity: For this activity, you will create a presentation or report for Jeremy Farr of Noble Bank that outlines the ethical and privacy considerations related to data collection in banking. Your presentation should include the following elements: 1. An overview of the types of data that banks collect about their customers (e.g., financial information, personal information, transaction history). 2. Discussion of why banks need to collect this data and how it is used to provide services to customers. 3. Explanation of how a bank's ethical framework can influence its data collection practices (e.g., respect for customer privacy, avoidance of discrimination). 4. Identification of specific privacy concerns that banks need to consider when dealing with customer data (e.g., security breaches, unauthorized access, misuse of data). 5. Recommendations for how Noble Bank can balance the need for data collection with the need to protect customer privacy and adhere to ethical standards. In your presentation, be sure to provide examples and case studies that illustrate the complexities of data collection and privacy in banking. You may also want to consider including tips or best practices for how banks can handle customer data in an ethical and responsible manner. Grading Criteria: 1. Clearly and accurately presents information about data collection in banking. 2. Demonstrates understanding of the ethical and privacy considerations related to data collection in banking. 3. Provides specific examples or case studies that illustrate the complexities of data collection and privacy in banking. 4. Offers thoughtful and practical recommendations for how Noble Bank can balance the need for data collection with the need to protect customer privacy and adhere to ethical standards. 5. Uses proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation throughout the presentation or report.