The Digital Compass Communication outlines a plan for the European Union's (EU) digital transformation over the next decade. The plan aims to make the EU a global leader in the digital economy while ensuring that the benefits of digitalization are shared fairly and no one is left behind. To achieve this, the communication proposes several measures:1. Establishing a governance structure to identify the EU's digital strategic dependencies and strengthen its digital sovereignty in an open manner.2. Promoting coordination among Member States to establish multi-country projects in the digital area, such as joint investments in digital infrastructure, data, and skills.3. Leveraging the potential of the digital transformation to reach the European Green Deal objectives, including through sustainable lifecycles, digital technologies, and new methods and processes.4. Ensuring connectivity accessible to all and everywhere in the EU, with available internet access, to close the digital divide across the EU.5. Implementing policies and investments in digital infrastructure to ensure that the benefits of digitalization are shared fairly and no one is left behind.6. Building on existing Union instruments and funds allocated to the digital transformation under Regulation (EU) 2021/241.7. Establishing a Digital Decade policy programme 2030 to achieve, accelerate, and shape a successful digital transformation of the EU's economy and society.8. Ensuring that the European Pillar of Social Rights is respected and promoted in the context of the digital transformation, including the right to access essential services of good quality and the right to quality and inclusive education, training, and lifelong learning.