The question "What is theology?" is a complex and multifaceted topic that has been debated and reflected upon by philosophers, theologians, and thinkers throughout history. While there is no one definitive answer, some perspectives and definitions can be presented:1. Etymology: The etymology of "teología" refers to "speaking about God" or "discourse on reality from a faith perspective." In other words, theology is critical and reflective speech about reality from the perspective of faith.2. Adult faith: According to Gustavo Gutiérrez, theology is "critical reflection on historical praxis in light of faith." In other words, theology is an adult faith reflexion that seeks to understand and make sense of reality, give reasons for its choices, commitments, and lifestyle.3. Light of faith: Theology can be defined as "in the light of faith." In this sense, theology is a discourse that is illuminated and informed by faith, leading to a deep and critical understanding of reality.4. Practice: Juan Luis Tamayo defines theology as "I do," or "practice" that seeks to give form and content to faith in action. In other words, theology is a praxis that connects faith with everyday life and current social and political problems.5. Philosophy of religion: From a philosophical perspective, theology can be understood as a field of study that deals with questions related to the divine reality, spirituality, morality, and ethics. In this sense, theology is an area of reflection and analysis that seeks to understand the meaning and function of religion in human life.6. Contextualization: Theology can also be seen as a process of contextualizing faith and spirituality in different historical and cultural moments. In other words, theology is a discourse that adapts and adjusts to new situations and challenges arising in everyday life and society.