El estudio examina la percepción de los alumnos con Trastorno De Audición Humana (TAH-C) y sin TAH respecto al rechazo hacia otros alumnos que pueden tener este trastorno o no, en un entorno educativo. Los resultados muestran que tanto los alumnos con TAH-C como los sin TAH presentan un sesgo positivo ilusorio social mayor respecto a los demás, pero que los primeros tienen una percepción más negativa de los otros alumnos. Además, las razones que dan por su juicio de los más hacia ellos son similares en ambos grupos.Este estudio es relevante por varias razones:1. Contribúye a señalar que el alumnado rechazado con TAH-C presenta un mayor sesgo positivo ilusorio social que el alumnado rechazado sin TAH.2. Permite examinar simultaneously both groups of rejected students (with TAH-C and without TAH) and appreciate that their reasons for judging others are similar, despite their different auditory disabilities.3. Provides ecological validity by collecting information on acceptance and rejection questions in the classroom context, allowing educators to anticipate and plan social interaction strategies in the classroom.4. Highlights the importance of addressing the autoperception social in inclusive education, as it can influence the attitude towards peers with auditory disabilities.5. Suggests that intervening in the classroom using metodological approaches that value difference as a potential growth factor in social skills may promote a more positive attitude towards acceptance and increase social cohesion in the classroom.6. Emphasizes the need for educators to know the social reality of the class and the situation of each student to plan activities and think about specific actions they can take with each student.7. Provides information on programs for managing the classroom to foster a climate of conviviality, acceptance, and support.However, there are also some limitations to the study:1. Reduced sample size and convenience sampling method due to part of the sample being clinical, with auditory disabilities.2. Different subtipos of TAH may have different autoperception social profiles.3. Limited opportunities for learning and practicing social skills for students with TAH-C.In conclusion, this study contributes to the understanding of the autoperception social in inclusive education and highlights the importance of addressing this issue in the classroom. Future studies could replicate the study to confirm the findings, and educators could use the information provided to plan interventions that promote a more positive attitude towards acceptance and increase social cohesion in the classroom.