The text provides an overview of the current trends and policies in the Indian industrial sector. The sector is divided into three main categories: primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors. The industrial sector, which includes mining and quarrying, manufacturing, electricity, gas, water supply, and other utility services, contributes 31% to India's Gross Domestic Product (GDP).The text also provides a historical context of the industrial sector in India, mentioning that after independence, the sector showed an increasing trend towards its contribution/share in GDP. However, with the rapidly growing share of the service sector, the industry's share in overall GDP has been showing a declining trend in recent years.The text also highlights some key policies related to the industrial sector in India, including the Industrial Policy Resolution of 1948 (IPR-1948), which introduced a planned economy and socialist measures. The policy aimed to promote industrialization through state intervention and regulation.Overall, the text provides a brief overview of the current trends and policies in the Indian industrial sector, highlighting its contribution to the country's GDP and the various policies that have shaped its development.