Blik, the Polish mobile payment standard, is expanding its reach beyond Poland. The company plans to launch in Slovakia and Romania in the near future, with further expansion into Western Europe planned for later this year.According to Monika Król, vice-president of Blik, "our priority is to launch payments on Slovakia and Romania, followed by the implementation of our functionalities in Western Europe." She confirmed that the company has already conducted a successful trial in Slovakia and is waiting for regulatory approval in Romania.Król highlighted the unique selling point of Blik, which is its comprehensive offerings, including e-commerce, POS (Point-of-Sale), and online banking. She believes that Blik's competitive advantage lies in its ability to provide a seamless user experience across multiple channels, setting it apart from other payment solutions in the market.Blik is working on a new project called "Blik Euro," which is currently in the conceptual phase. Król explained that this project will allow Blik to operate in a more streamlined manner, with a focus on user experience and ease of use. She believes that Blik has the potential to become a major player in Europe, given its scalability and solid business case.Król also mentioned that Blik is actively seeking partnerships with banks in Western Europe, with the goal of integrating its services into their offerings. She confirmed that the company is currently engaged in legal, conceptual, and technological work related to its expansion into new markets.Overall, Blik's expansion plans demonstrate its commitment to growing its reach and impact in the mobile payment industry. With a focus on user experience and partnerships with banks, the company is well-positioned to make a significant impact in Europe and beyond.