The Global Gender Gap Report 2023 is a comprehensive analysis of gender inequality across 153 economies worldwide. The report assesses the gender gap in four critical areas: economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, healthy life expectancy, and political empowerment. The report finds significant disparities between economies, with the highest gender gaps observed in political empowerment, where women hold only 26% of parliamentary seats worldwide. On the other hand, the lowest gender gaps are observed in educational attainment, where girls and women have closed about 90% of the gap with boys in terms of enrollment rates. The report ranks economies based on their overall gender gap score and provides recommendations for closing the gender gap in each of the four critical areas, including implementing policies to promote gender equality in education, ensuring equal pay for equal work, increasing representation of women in decision-making positions, and addressing violence against women. Overall, the report highlights the progress made in some areas while revealing persistent disparities in others and aims to promote gender equality through public-private cooperation.