The article argues that data ethics is a crucial aspect of the data science field, as it ensures responsible and ethical use of data. However, there is a lack of discussion and dialogue around this topic, which can hinder progress in developing guiding principles for ethical data use. To address this issue, the article suggests several ways to start talking about data ethics more openly and regularly, including: 1. Educating oneself on data ethics issues and challenges. 2. Engaging with a diverse range of stakeholders to initiate conversations about data ethics. 3. Creating inclusive environments where diverse perspectives can be heard and respected. 4. Developing guiding principles for ethical data use that are transparent, accountable, and adaptable to changing circumstances. 5. Encouraging ongoing dialogue through workshops or meetups to discuss new developments in data ethics or inviting experts to share their insights and experiences. By taking these steps, the article concludes that we can ensure responsible and ethical use of data that benefits society as a whole while minimizing potential risks and negative consequences.