This is a list of 34 sources that could be used for a historical and critical analysis of the concept of "gender" in psychology, including both primary sources (e.g., research articles, books) and secondary sources (e.g., reviews, textbooks). The list includes a mix of classic and contemporary works, covering a range of topics such as the history of gender in psychology, the intersectionality of gender with other social categories, and the impact of gender on mental health.Some of the key authors and works included in the list are:1. Carolyn Merchant - The Death of Nature: Women, Ecology, and the Scientific Revolution (1980)2. Naomi Oreskes - Objectivity or Heroism? On the Invisibility of Women in Science (1996)3. Wade Pickren and Alexandra Rutherford - Introduction to A History of Modern Psychology in Context (2010)4. Rolf Pfeifer and Christian Scheier - Understanding Intelligence (1999)5. Petteri Pietikäinen - Madness: A History (2015)6. Margot Pujal - El feminismo (2015)7. Alberto Rosa, Florentino Blanco, and Juan Antonio Huertas - ¿Para qué hacemos historia de la psicología? Revista de Historia de la Psicología, 12 (3-4) (1991)8. Nikolas Rose - Inventing Ourselves: Psychology, Power, and Personhood (1996)9. Londa Schatten - Nature's body: Gender in the making of modern science (1993)10. Stephanie Amber Shields - Passionate men, emotional women: psychology constructs gender difference in the late 19th century (History of Psychology, 2007)11. Roger Smith - Being Human: Historical Knowledge and the Creation of Human Nature (2007)12. Herbert Spencer - The study of sociology (1902)13. Daisetz Suzuki - What lies at the bottom of Eastern culture (1958/1997)14. Yuko Suzuki - A historical examination of the concept of jiga (ego) in Japanese psychology (Japanese Psychological Research, 2005)15. Miki Takasuna - Proliferation of Western methodological thought in psychology in Japan: ways of objectification (Integrative Psychological & Behavioral Science, 2007)16. Francisco Tortosa - Una historia de la psicología moderna (1998)This list provides a solid foundation for exploring the historical and critical analysis of gender in psychology, with works that cover the intersectionality of gender with other social categories, the impact of gender on mental health, and the ways in which gender has been constructed and represented in psychological research and practice.