Thank you for sharing this article! It's a fascinating look into Duolingo's growth strategy and the various bets they made to achieve their success. I particularly found the section on acquisition strategies interesting, as it highlights the importance of experimentation and iteration in growing a product.The fact that Duolingo's user base grew from 10 million to 300 million users through a combination of different strategies is truly impressive. It shows that there isn't one-size-fits-all approach to growth, and that successful companies must be willing to take risks and try new things.The section on retention strategies was also informative, as it highlights the importance of building a sticky product that keeps users coming back. Duolingo's focus on creating a social experience through features like leaderboards and badges helped to increase user engagement and retention.Overall, I found this article to be incredibly insightful and informative. It provides valuable lessons for any company looking to grow their product and achieve success. Thanks again for sharing!